Building a Mobile App for OnlyFans Creators

Introducing a Mobile Application for Efficient Agency Management

It's been a while since the last video on this channel, but today I am excited to introduce a new mobile application that aims to revolutionize agency management. As an agency owner, I understand the challenges of managing creators and maximizing their potential for profitability. This application is designed to streamline the process and reduce the need for excessive human input, ultimately leading to increased revenue for both creators and agency owners.

The Problem with Traditional Agency Structures

Currently, most agencies operate in a hands-on manner, requiring extensive communication, scheduling, and content collection from creators. These tasks incur expenses such as salaries for employees and teams dedicated to managing these processes. As a result, agencies often charge high fees, sometimes up to 70-75% of the creators' earnings.

I believe there is a need for a technology-first agency, where software plays a predominant role in managing the agency's operations. By minimizing human interaction to essential aspects such as communication and content curation, the agency can reduce costs and provide a more efficient service to its creators.

The Features of the Mobile Application

The mobile application I have developed focuses primarily on TikTok, as it has become a significant platform for creators in recent years. The application provides creators with a user-friendly interface that displays their daily activity, account summary, and analytics.

Activity Tracking

The application features a progress bar that automatically updates to track the number of TikTok posts a creator has made each day and over the past seven days. This allows creators to monitor their productivity and stay on track with their content creation goals.

Account Summary

The account summary section provides creators with an overview of the total number of accounts assigned to them. The application also rates the quality of each account based on various variables such as the average number of views, time since creation, and more. This helps creators identify high-quality accounts for optimal performance and revenue generation.


The analytics feature offers creators insights into their average views over different time periods, allowing them to track their progress and identify trends in their content's performance.

TikTok Accounts

The mobile application allows creators to manage their TikTok accounts efficiently. They can add new accounts, view analytics for each account, and even report videos that are not relevant to their content or preferences. Regular account checks are performed to ensure accurate and up-to-date statistics.

TikTok Trend Finder

To assist creators in generating captivating content, the application includes a TikTok trend finder. This tool analyzes trending sounds and videos on TikTok and presents the best-performing content directly to creators, eliminating the need for them to search for ideas or trends themselves.

Content Requests and Management

The application incorporates a content request management system, allowing the agency to efficiently communicate with creators and request specific content for their OnlyFans feed or social media profiles. This system ensures consistency in content creation and improves overall workflow.

Live Chat

The application features a built-in live chat function, enabling creators to communicate with the agency without the need for separate messaging apps. This streamlined communication system replaces the use of messy group chats and ensures clear and efficient communication between agency and creators.

The Benefits of the Mobile Application

By implementing this mobile application, agency owners can empower their creators and provide them with a comprehensive system and framework to maximize their earning potential. The application simplifies the content creation process, eliminates unnecessary tasks, and automates various aspects of agency management.

With the ability to efficiently curate and manage content, agency owners can scale their operations and work with more creators than ever before. By reducing costs and improving workflow, agencies can also lower their fees, making their services more attractive to creators.

The Future of Agency Management

I believe technology-driven agency management is the future of the industry. As agencies continue to embrace software solutions, they can streamline operations, improve efficiency, and create a more empowering environment for creators. By simplifying processes and utilizing innovative tools, agencies can achieve greater success and profitability.

In the next video, I will delve deeper into our TikTok reposting strategy and the elaborate system we have developed to maximize content exposure and engagement. Stay tuned for more insights and strategies on building a successful agency in today's digital landscape.